
Saturday, August 24, 2013

THING #5 School 2.0

                         School 2.0 is quickly becoming an integral part in the education system of students at all ages. School 2.0 allows for people at all ages to truly be life long learners. With the availability of interactive free online courses, internet databases, search engines, discussion boards, blog spots, and the ability to curtail education to specific topics that truly interest the student, School 2.0 has arrived and will continue to expand.
                         In my opinion School 2.0 means a form of "interactive combination learning." This being said, I will explain myself a little bit more. This type of school and learning will never occur solely in the classroom but takes place everywhere. Students and teachers now have the availability to interact and share information virtually anywhere. Children are growing up in a generation that is extremely technologically savvy. They are well acquainted and familiar with Google, Wikipedia, social networking sites, and many other search engines and databases at a very young age. With information available at the tips of their fingers, teachers are going to have to teach them how to wade through this information overload to come away with factual information.
                  School 2.0 is also very interactive and allows people to bring in their own personal experiences and thoughts to a wide array of topics. The wonderful part about this is that it allows people to connect, collaborate, and work as a team from everywhere in the world with the unified goal of furthering their education on a specific topic. School 2.0 can use YouTube, Wikipedia, videos, mp3 files, educational blog spots, and tons of other interactive technology to really make learning come to life for the students.
                  The question was posed, "what does School 2.0 mean for schools of the future?" To me, this means that School 2.0 is this generations future. Using state of the art technologies in our in classroom school systems is paramount. We will have to educate our students how to decipher and wade through the internet information overload. We will have the privilege of teaching and showing the children how to actively engage in their own education. This means that we need to show them that not only will they be learning in classroom with their fellow peers, but they will be life long learners that need to fully engage in their education inside and outside of the classroom. 

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