I have always loved and used Google. Google has been set as my home screen ever since I have had a computer, and I'm pretty sure it was set as my families home computer screen before I owned my own as well. I have chosen to set up a calendar and alert system on Google. I love that Google calender gives you access to your calendar no matter where you are. You are able to sync it with your phone, on your computer, or tablet. If you want you can set it up to send you reminders about different events you have scheduled by text messaging to your phone number! My favorite feature of Google calendar is the "share your schedule" feature. I think that this is the most handy dandy feature it has because you can chose to "share" your calender with your boss, family, friends, and anyone else who may need to get a hold of you. This feature will be extremely beneficial as a teacher because you could create a "work" calender to share with your students parents to set up conferences with them and let them know what will be going on in the class for that week. You could also use this feature to send out to your co-workers if you were trying to set up a meeting time or plan an event.
Google Alerts is new to me. I have never used Google alerts before but I like this feature. I like the simple interface and I was able to learn how to use it very quickly. I typed in Elementary Education and it immediately gave me a list of the most current sites that were on Elementary Education. I think this feature will be beneficial as a teacher because it will keep me up to date on the newest news going on in Elementary Education. I could also use this as a teacher by asking my students topics they were interested in and then every day read them an interesting new article on what ever topic we had chosen as a class.
Google Alerts is new to me. I have never used Google alerts before but I like this feature. I like the simple interface and I was able to learn how to use it very quickly. I typed in Elementary Education and it immediately gave me a list of the most current sites that were on Elementary Education. I think this feature will be beneficial as a teacher because it will keep me up to date on the newest news going on in Elementary Education. I could also use this as a teacher by asking my students topics they were interested in and then every day read them an interesting new article on what ever topic we had chosen as a class.
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