I used Flickr mashup to spell a word.. I chose SMILE :) because a smile bridges all languages!
Honestly, this was the hardest task I have to complete on the blogsite. For some reason my blog page was being stubborn and not showing the SMILE pictures. After struggling and asking for assistance we were still hitting a dead end when a fellow blogger informed me, that even though we couldn't see it on my page it was indeed showing up.
This could be fun to use in the classroom because I could turn any topic the students were studying into a world with pictures! We could discuss how every day objects can be looked at in multiple ways, that its just in someones perception if they see a light post of the letter I .
I think sharing photos online is a wonderful way to connect with people in other areas of the nation and even world. I love that we can interact with our friends, family, and even acquaintances through pictures! I really do think that "a picture says a thousands words" can often times be very true. When I look at someones pictures I feel that I get a better idea of who that person is and what makes them unique. I get a to actually see what types of animals, food, games, sports, and entertainment they enjoy.
Honestly, this was the hardest task I have to complete on the blogsite. For some reason my blog page was being stubborn and not showing the SMILE pictures. After struggling and asking for assistance we were still hitting a dead end when a fellow blogger informed me, that even though we couldn't see it on my page it was indeed showing up.
This could be fun to use in the classroom because I could turn any topic the students were studying into a world with pictures! We could discuss how every day objects can be looked at in multiple ways, that its just in someones perception if they see a light post of the letter I .
I think sharing photos online is a wonderful way to connect with people in other areas of the nation and even world. I love that we can interact with our friends, family, and even acquaintances through pictures! I really do think that "a picture says a thousands words" can often times be very true. When I look at someones pictures I feel that I get a better idea of who that person is and what makes them unique. I get a to actually see what types of animals, food, games, sports, and entertainment they enjoy.

I love this. It should be framed.