I discovered this amazing website after searching the internet for about a solid hour. I could not get any of the image generators to work that I tried on the "23 Things blog site". Then I finally found this working AWESOME website that lets me copy the html address for free! YAY!
I would use this in my classroom by writing the children a new "sign in the sky" every day. I could change the sign to let them know how the class's behavior as a whole is progressing throughout the day.
I found these image generators on http://www.imagechef.com/ . The website was so simple to use! I love it! You simply click on the generator you want and then it creates it for you. There is no sign up or registration fee.
I could make my students their own individual Miss. Lorrie's class ID badges! Children need to feel loved and accepted and I could make each student their own special ID card to know they were part of MY "club or family" for the whole year :)
The ID card also lets you change the back ground color so I could make it go with our school colors!

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